Enerati the Internet Gateway for your Current Cost

Current Cost does have an Internet Gateway.
It's the NetSmart
It sends the data to the Enerati web site
if you sign up for an account.
The Enerati (web site) has the Lite Plan that is a $0.00 cost plan that alows One Location, One Sensor under the free plan.
The Basic plan has a $3.00 per month fee. This plan has upto Five Locations, Ten Sensors, Ten Alerts, Ten Reports and Ten Config's
But with the Lite Plan it only allows you to only go back two days to view back data in the Live Graph. The History Graph does show from the day you started sending data. In this case it's about 35 total days.
Note: The Current Cost, along with the NetSmart internet gateway were supplied and on loan from SimpleEnergyWorks for testing.